Return & Refund Policy

Returning Damaged Items:

If you receive an item that's been damaged during shipping, we're here to assist you promptly. Here's how you can request a refund or a replacement:

  • Notify us about the damaged item within 72 hours of receiving your delivery.
  • Send clear photographs of the damaged item, including the packaging, to our dedicated customer support team at
  • Once we've confirmed the extent of the damage, we'll initiate the process for either a refund or a replacement.

14-Day Satisfaction Guarantee:

We value your satisfaction with your purchase. If you find yourself less than completely delighted with your order, you have the option of requesting a full refund within 14 days from the date of placing your order. This is applicable as long as your package hasn't yet been dispatched.

Shipped Orders:

Regrettably, once an order has been shipped, we are unable to accommodate refund requests. We kindly ask that you carefully review your order before finalizing it to avoid any issues.

How to Request a Refund:

To initiate a refund request, please follow these steps:

  • Reach out to our proficient customer support team at within the specified timeframes mentioned earlier.
  • Provide your order number along with a detailed explanation for your refund request.
  • Comply with any additional instructions provided by our customer support team.
Please keep in mind that if the customer has not answered us for 4 days via email or text messages, we have the right to now issue a refund if the customer has not cooperated with us. Although we are able to resend the order again to the customer but extra fees may apply. 

    Refund Processing:

    We make it a priority to handle your refunds with efficiency. Your refund will be processed within 5 business days after it's been approved. The refunded amount will be credited back to the same payment method used for your purchase.

    Contact Us:

    If you ever have inquiries or require assistance regarding your refund request, please do not hesitate to contact our dependable customer support team at We are here to provide you with the support you need.


    Please note that we reserve the right to modify this Return & Refund Policy at any time, and it is the responsibility of the customer to review the most recent version of the Return & Refund Policy before purchasing and using our products. By purchasing and continuing to use BalticWear™ products, customers are indicating their acceptance of this Return & Refund Policy.